Liberty Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

7 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

A person’s smile is the first thing you notice when you meet them. A beautiful and pleasant smile can boost your confidence when interacting with others. On the contrary, if you are unhappy with how your teeth appear while smiling, it can hit your self-esteem. This is where orthodontics comes in to give that much-desired shape to your mouth.

Many people have cosmetic-related teeth problems, such as crowded teeth, overbites, or underbites. Till a few years back, people would go for traditional metal or plastic braces that would be fitted in your mouth, and you could only remove them once the treatment was over. These obtrusive braces would be fitted with wires or rubber bands and made you look and feel awkward for the time they remained in your teeth.

Invisalign is a breakthrough in orthodontics as these invisible braces can align your teeth in a much shorter time. These transparent braces are removable and do not require any rubber bands to tighten them. 

Here we will discuss the benefits of Invisalign over traditional braces.

What are Traditional Braces

In traditional braces, metal brackets are fixed to the front surface of your teeth. A wire runs through each of these brackets, which your dentist would tighten at regular intervals throughout the treatment period. These braces apply gentle, constant, and consistent pressure on your teeth, guiding them into their proper positions.

What is Invisalign

Invisalign is a revolutionary treatment for correcting dental alignment issues. They are clear or transparent guides that move your teeth to their proper places. The guides fit over your teeth so that it is almost impossible for anyone to make out you are wearing braces. These aligners should be worn at least 22 hours a day, and you would need to see your dentist every few weeks when your teeth shift, and you need fresh aligners to continue the treatment.

Why Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

If you doubt whether to go for Invisalign or traditional braces, here are a few pointers that would help you decide.

  1. Invisalign is a computerized process – Since it is a computerized process, your dentist can specifically tell you how long you will be wearing them and the correction experience. On the other hand, with metal braces, dentists and patients are not sure about the duration and results.
  2. More comfort – The metals in traditional braces make it uncomfortable for patients to wear them. They also pose a high risk to your teeth and gums as they are difficult to clean as food gets stuck inside the braces. In the case of Invisalign, you can easily remove and clean the trays.
  3. Better appearance – Traditional braces make you self-conscious due to their clunky appearance. Their appearance is heavy, and since it continues for a longer duration (close to 18 to 24 months) this downside can immensely affect the patients’ public life. Since Invisalign are clear aligners, they almost look like your real teeth, and people might not even feel you are wearing them.
  4. Fewer visits to the dentist – While wearing metal braces, you would require more dental visits as the wires or rubber bands need to be tightened occasionally. With Invisalign, you have the comfort of fewer dental visits because, at the beginning of the treatment, you get trays in advance for the current and several future phases. 
  5. Faster treatment – Where you need to give eighteen to twenty-four months to metal braces, Invisalign can move your teeth in as less as twelve months (depending on the severity of the case.) You can start seeing changes with Invisalign just a few weeks after starting the treatment. If the case is less severe, the treatment could finish even in six months.
  6. Fewer restrictions for athletic activities – An avid sports player might find his activities hindered while wearing metal braces. Since Invisalign can be removed, they place much fewer restrictions on the type of sports you can play with Invisalign.
  7. Eat without restrictions – Though everyone must limit the sugary foods and drinks we consume daily for better oral hygiene, Invisalign does not restrict you from eating anything you like. With metal braces biting on hard or crispy foods might result in broken brackets or wires, but since Invisalign is removable, you can remove them and eat everything you like before putting the aligners back.

Invisalign can treat all dental issues, such as crowded teeth, open bite, overbite, underbite, gap teeth, crossbite, and other misalignments. You can go through this treatment without the hassle and without losing out on your favorite foods and sports. Invisalign also saves you regular dental visits, so book an appointment with your dentist to begin your process toward a gorgeous smile without compromises.