Liberty Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How painful is Invisalign?

Dental aligners are one of the most popular alternatives to conventional metal braces because they use clear plastic instead of metal.

While Invisalign may be much more comfortable than metal braces, there’s still a chance that you may experience mild pain or discomfort.

The potential for pain seems to be at its peak within the first week of using invisible teeth aligners.

But there’s no need to worry about it because the pain experienced from Invisalign is also dependent on individual pain tolerance. It’s also possible that you don’t even experience pain at all.

If, in case, you experience pain for longer than a week after first using your aligners, this could indicate a more serious condition so it’s better to consult your orthodontist. 

How long does the Invisalign pain last?

In most cases, the pain from the Invisalign lasted 2 to 3 days following the new aligner installation. Since Invisalign requires new trays every 2 weeks, there’s a probability to experience mild pain and discomfort within the first few days of each cycle.

However, as you become used to wearing your aligners, these symptoms can turn out to be less pronounced.

How to treat Invisalign pain?

The following are some of the solutions if you’re extremely uncomfortable while wearing Invisalign trays.

  • Try dental wax
  • Take OTC medications
  • Change the side from which you eat
  • Keep your trays in

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!