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What is the best age to get Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners have been available since the late 1990s and have become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. Among the many conditions that Invisalign can treat effectively are spacing, overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, and crowded teeth. Throughout the years, Invisalign aligners have improved the smiles of millions of people of all ages. It includes young children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.

Invisalign for Young Children

Despite what you may believe, children between the ages of six and ten may benefit from orthodontic treatment under the supervision of an orthodontist. Invisalign treatment pertaining to this age group is referred to as Phase 1. Invisalign may be recommended for children aged 6-10 by their dentist. It is vital that children receiving this treatment remain under supervision at all times.

Invisalign describes Phase 1 treatment as the process of developing a young jaw or arch to allow existing teeth to grow and permanent teeth to come in. Phase 1 treatment, according to Invisalign specialists, can prevent pre-existing bite problems from worsening, straighten teeth, assist with thumb-sucking habits, and shorten the time it takes for later orthodontic treatment to yield results.

Invisalign for Teens

Due to the fact that teenagers’ teeth are not as firmly attached in position as older people’s, Invisalign for teens can be a highly effective treatment for correcting an imperfect smile. Generally, adolescents must have the majority of their permanent teeth prior to undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign treatment usually requires teens to have most of their permanent teeth in order to undergo treatment. However, there is another factor that is more significant in determining whether or not your child is a candidate, and that factor is discipline. Invisalign may not be suitable for a young adult who lacks the discipline to wear braces for the recommended number of hours every day.

Invisalign for Adults

While Invisalign for adults takes longer than it should yield results in many younger patients, it has shown to be a highly effective treatment for adults in their 20s, seniors, and many adults in between. Thanks to Invisalign treatment, even people in their 80s have experienced desirable, sometimes life-changing results. Moreover, a person’s bone density is often the determining factor when determining whether or not they are eligible for Invisalign treatment. During your consultation with an Invisalign orthodontist, it is likely that your doctor will assess your bone density in order to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for your treatment needs.

Treatment Period

The process of completing Invisalign will take some time. Due to this, this treatment is suitable for those who are willing to commit to the process. In general, patients are advised to wear their aligners for approximately a year. It is imperative that the patient understands when it is appropriate to remove the aligners and how long they should be left on. A number of factors can damage or stain the tray, including eating, drinking, and playing contact sports. Maintaining the almost invisible effect of the aligners can be achieved by cleaning them properly.

At first, receiving this treatment may not be easy. Due to the push and pull on the affected teeth, the aligners will feel uncomfortable. In order to determine whether the process has been effective, the patient must experience discomfort. It is anticipated that each tray will target a specific set of teeth for realignment. The patient will experience this each time they switch to a new set of trays.

With Invisalign, you can achieve your best smile regardless of what issue you are facing. For more information, ensure to consult the trusted dentist around you.